Most homes within the United Kingdom are now equipped with a personal computer that is connected to the World Wide Web, but there are still a number of people who don't. Even though over a huge sixteen and a cheap broadband internet million homes within Britain are enjoying broadband or even dial up internet, there are still a lot of people either unable to get the equipment or actually shunning the technology.
A recent survey organised by the Office of National Statistics was given to members of the public of all ages and backgrounds to try and get to the charter internet service of why this is. The results showed that there are a common set of answers internet fax explanations for this decision that boil down to the following:
- Lack of skills.
- Not interested in the internet.
- Equipment too expensive.
- Access to internet elsewhere.
- Access costs too high.
However the dsl broadband of people without said access has lowered considerably since 2006. The amount of people aged over 65 years without internet has also lowered from 85% to 70%, showing that the older generations of the United Kingdom are beginning to embrace technology.
Of the households that do have internet access set up, 86% of them have high speed broadband connections showing that it shouldn't be too long until the now well high speed dialup dial up modem is bred out of existence.
Computer skills classes are also popping up anywhere from the local school to churches, in a bid to get the older generations familiar with how to use a computer and how to browse the internet in the most successful way. There are also many companies offering cheap and cheerful laptops with inbuilt modems and accessories to make it possible for people less privileged to get their hands on the biggest resource of the millennium!
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