Sunday, April 12, 2009

Mercedes-Benz Angels?Safety Commercial

Check out this new commercial by Mercedes-Benz touting broadband streamyx hotspot free safety features of its car. Whether you believe it or not, the creativity of whoever produced the video makes you smile… it shows two guardian angels having a chat, and it’s revealed broadband cable phone one of them has a “dream job”, the guardian angel of a Mercedes-Benz

With all the technologies in use today over the Web, like animation and video streaming, broadband access has certainly become a necessity for those who would like to take full advantage of the offerings on the Web.

However, the early adopters of the Internet, back in the 90s, only had one way of getting on-line from home and that was by dial-up access. Dial-up access uses a device called a modem (modulation-demodulation) that makes use of the telephone wires to transmit and receive the zeros and ones that computers understand. The fastest speed that a dial-up modem can receive and transmit data is about 56Kbps (Kilo bits per second) - that's 56,000 bps.

This may sound quite slow but believe it or not, 56Kbps was considered FAST in those days. It was more than enough speed where E-mail was the most popular application and Web pages, being quite new, were mostly just text and pictures. The only downside was that if you went online by using your modem, your telephone line became busy, so most heavy users were forced to get a second telephone subscription.

As the Web slowly grew to what it is now, by supporting animation, video and voice, dial-up access quickly became a frustrating experience for the Web users. This is the first warning sign that dial-up would soon be a thing of the past. The demand for faster access grew and just like in any market where demand is high, supply quickly followed. Although broadband was already available in the late 90s, broadband service was still expensive and only available in very limited areas.

The telephone companies were the first to provide wide spread broadband service, streamyx problem allowed 10x the speed of dial-up access over the same telephone line. That's a speed of between 512Kbps to 768Kbps, a significant difference in user experience when accessing the Web. The most common technology the telephone companies used to deliver broadband service to the home is called DSL (Digital Subscriber Line), which comes in different "flavors" like ADSL or SDSL. In either tm net my mail it's still based on the DSL technology.

With DSL broadband, both data and voice are able to share the same copper wire of the telephone in your homes in such a way that even if you're online surfing the Web, your telephone would still be usable. That means no need for that second telephone subscription. One other advantage of broadband technology is that it is always "on", meaning it is always connected to the Internet. You don't have to dial before you can use it and neither do you have to disconnect to use the telephone.

Broadband is definitely gaining acceptance around the globe. In some countries, the monthly fees for a telephone line are given for FREE if the customer subscribes to the broadband service. Also, other service sectors are starting to offer their dsl broadband technology to provide broadband solutions to home consumers, like the Digital Cable companies and believe it or not, even the Electric companies. Even cell phone service companies are now moving offering broadband access for your mobile phone.

Today, there may still be more dial-up users than broadband users at home, but the second half of this decade may prove to be the last days of dial-up access.

Michael Russell

Your Independent guide to Broadband

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IE is a very good browser in many respects, but the bad guys just love to hack at it and bombard you with nasty bugs. However, there is a better browser available that's not subject to all these viruses and attacks. Internet Explorer is the most popular browser that is used for surfing the net today. Users need a secure and reliable internet browser that will not let harmful viruses and spyware invade computers when browsing the interent. The most widely accepted browser as far back as webmail tmnet streamyx fuck streamyx remember is Internet Explorer. In the browser generation we are now seeing other browsers enter the market like firefox, opera and others.

Now, Firefox is the main rival of IE. Since new alternatives like Firefox and Opera have come out we now know that, yes there is faster browsing out there. Most of Firefox's advantages are MSIE's disadvantages, and vice-versa. Firefox allows you to open in tabs. There has also been a joke circulating among Firefox fans that there is only one thing that is more secure in Internet Explorer than in Firefox and that is a feature that has not been implemented yet in Internet Explorer.

There is a strong integration with IE with Microsofts OS, though there is a positive side and a negative side to this because this enhances security problems. The Firefox team made a conscious decision to support neither ActiveX nor VBScript, activex and vbscript are not standards in the web society are often the problem when it comes to security vulnerabilities when using IE. Internet Explorer version 7 has been improved a great deal to help users a glimpse of the type of functionality you can expect from the new Windows sdn bhd it will not only do this but is fixes many security problems and introduced many new features into the browser. If you end up at a site that you think is questionable, and it does not have the appropriate security certificate, IE7 will now warn you by displaying messages.

Safety is comprised when the threat of internet crooks create and execute large-scale hoaxes such as ID theft and phishing. With the introduction of IE7 they have added a new feature called Phishing, Phishing is stealing your identity by bringing to sites that mimic other websites. What is phishing, phishing is when people send emails and falsely portray that they are from a bank or credit card company in hopes you will give you personal information to them. This is done by you clicking on a link in an email and entering your information, you think the site you are entering you information is the real site but it is not.

Just hit "Delete Cookies" and they will be gone, but as you surf the internet more, they will slowly come back. Note: Some sites may store cookies to use your personal information without your consent. Choose a level for internet privacy policy, cookies to be allowed or disallowed, but make sure you dont allow third party cookies onto the computer.

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